

In Tasmania there are many species of wasp. The European Wasp, and the English Wasp are very common. Both have very similar appearances and behaviours, though the English is more common in most parts of the state. Wasp nests can be found in many different places, they are very common in the ground below rocks, but can also be found in retaining walls and in trees and bushes. Most of the wasps found in Tasmania are aggressive, so be sure to stay clear if you see multiple in an area. They can be easily treated if done properly by a professional, and in some cases if not treated properly they can get very aggressive and if a person is stung multiple times it can be life threatening. A lot of the time bees are mistaken for these wasps, bees are much less aggressive and can only sting once before dying, whereas wasps can sting many times in a row on the same victim.

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